Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Stitch In Time

So yesterday after many years of burying my sewing gear I decided it was about time to finish something. Searching for sometime I found this old bag I was working on, separated all the pieces and fixed them together in my head. Dragged out the old sewing machine... dusted it down, set it up and I was off. Took me much longer than expected however at the end of the day I felt great knowing I'd done something rather than how I feel today unaccomplished and nostalgic.

My boss called today, He told me that due to unpopular demand of mobile DJ's this year, I won't be getting work on New Year Eve... Oh poo... NOT!! Now it means I get to actually go out and spend time with friends this time instead of last year being stuck indoors with an embarrassing sore on my backside.

Been feeling kinda lonely without Facebook geez can't even last one week It's been meaning no contact with friends coz apparently no one knows how to use a phone anymore... but I guess i'll keep it de-activated until the end of January due to this summer unit coming up at uni *sigh*. In the mean time I really should be doing all the readings for it or organising the paperwork in my room... or redesigning my room altogether.

In other news/ Random thoughts: Watched a bunch of Youtube videos about muscly guys with dad today... yeah it was pretty random but still pretty cool.
My Birthday is in less than a month... Ahhh!!! I mean oOoOoOo...
Been looking through old photos again.. so many memories.
Started random exercises today.. perhaps there's a New Years resolution in that.
Mum actually considered the idea of getting a cat! After all these years of no pets... but the thing is now I don't really want one anymore - typical.

Revelations 3: 9
They will all know that I love You.

God Bless

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