Monday, March 21, 2011


It's only just begun...
And there's still a while to go...
It always seems to stun...
So there's something you should know...

I've done it every year...
since, before I can remember....
some think it's kinda queer...
and it feels like it's forever...

I've given up my love...
as a tiny sacrifice...
For the one who lives above...
but I've been very precise...

No lollies is the goal...
but only for six weeks...
it's all about my soul...
so I'm trying to be meek.

My Lenten promise is to give up lollies. It almost nearly kills me every year because I practically live off them but honestly i should be able to make it... as i've done many times before.

Sorry it's been so long since my last post... I don't however have time to fill you in on things right now =P. I hope you are well...  how are things?? are you well? no sicknesses...?? I hope not. Be safe!!

Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

God Bless


  1. I gave up Youtube for Lent (it's killing me). I love how we're all experiencing withdrawals right now, be strong!

  2. oh wow.. youtube that's big!! I love u2b but i'm not like obsessed so it wouldn't have the same impact for me. Totally true bout withdrawals though lol, thanks a bunch- You too all the best with that!!! =D
